Tradition Man Wolo

Tradition Man Wolo is a Ghanaian reggae artist currently living in the United States, and is part of the roots reggae revivalist movement.
Q: Which song would you like featured?
The Lady in Red
Q: How long have you been creating music?
Over 20 years, since I was a child but only started doing it professionally a 2 years ago.
Q: Do you have a preferred genre?
Reggae, I am predominantly a reggae artist but I also like to dabble in afro rock.
Q: Do you write your own music, or do you collaborate?
I write my own music but also dabble in covers — on my first album I wrote 7 of the tracks and did 2 cover songs.
Q: Tell us about your latest song, EP, or album.
I just released my first full-length studio album, aptly titled “Reggae Man”. The record has a total of nine tracks. “Reggae Man is a multi-themed album, covering roots and consciousness (Come Home, Back Again), intellectual (Book Of Rules), love (This Your Rebound Love, Lady In Red) and playfulness/party (This Feeling, Reggae Man Skank). I want people to embrace the breadth of the album and the genre.”
Q: What is the best song you ever released and why?
Tough to choose, but I will say “Reggae Man Skank” from my new album because it is about the process of making music and seeing the response.
Q: Do you, or would you like to, perform live?
I started doing music professionally during the pandemic so I have not had a chance to perform live yet but I will love to. I am getting together a band so I can start gigging.
Q: Which of your songs is, or do you think would be, fun to perform live?
“This Feeling”
Q: What is your favorite/best outlet to connect with your followers Instagram, Spotify, FB, Twitter, iTunes? How would you want them to follow?
Spotify & iTunes
Q: Are you currently working on any projects we should look out for?
Editing and putting the final touches to the video for “Back Again”