Arlie P

Ariel Wadyese, aka Arlie P is streaming on all platforms. He recently started producing more as he now has a streamlined workflow and the right gear to offer a well-balanced sound on all the releases.
Arlie P likes to create songs/albums with artworks and concepts behind them, usually, the songs are a mixture of Lo-Fi, RNB, Jazz, and Funk to try to accommodate as wide an audience as possible.
Q: Do you have a preferred genre?
Yes, my preferred genre is Lo-Fi music.
Q: Do you write your own music, or do you collaborate?
I create my own music, using a mixture of loops and vocal samples, and also use a Midi keyboard when creating fully organic instrumentals.
Q: Tell us about your latest song, EP, or album.
My latest Album is called ColouR. The whole idea behind the album was to pick specific colours that have had an impact on me in my lifetime, and have them all translated into sound.
Q: What is the best song you ever released and why?
My best song ever in my opinion is Event Horizon from the Event Horizon EP. This is a multilayered Lo-Fi beat that constantly changes, I wanted it to sound like going upwards. It starts off with a melody, leads into the hook a section with a baseline melody, then smooths into the outro. One of my most musical instrumentals yet.The artwork looks kind of like a space object.
Q: Do you, or would you like to, perform live?
I don’t perform live yet but would like to if I have the right when I get the right equipment.
Q: Which of your songs is, or do you think would be, fun to perform live?
I think the song Seasons (Cycles). would be fun to perform live as a live drum kit was used, and the way it is produced makes it easy to replicate with other instruments as well.
Q: What is your favorite/best outlet to connect with your followers Instagram, Spotify, FB, Twitter, iTunes? How would you want them to follow?
The best outlet is Spotify as this is where my artwork and audio match up the best. Other links can also be found on: Tik Tok @arlip11 also shows my process for creating some of the artwork.
Q: Are you currently working on any projects we should look out for?
Yes, I have a new album releasing on 04/14/2022 called SAM’s Evolution.
The album is based on how the James Webb Space Telescope is going to forever alter our understanding of the origin of SAM (Subatomic Particles, Atoms, and Molecules).