An Incredible Talent. A Strong Woman. Meet Dr. Sharrieffa Barksdale.

On October 16th, 2020, Dr. Sharrieffa Barksdale, will release her first single called “Strong Women” on Spotify and all music platforms.
Strong Women falls in line with the theme; ‘Domestic Violence’ just in time for October — Domestic Violence month. Dr. Sharrieffa Barksdale says that her music is a gift from God, is a language of both the mind and heart and the time for expressing her ultimate gift is now.
Her Strong Women song speaks volumes of her real-life experiences. A rendition that encourages women to not be discouraged by life happenings but to stay encouraged by positive attitudes.
mySoundmusic had the honor to have Dr. Sharrieffa Barksdale take the time to do our Q&A session. Please take the time to read and learn more about this incredible woman & incredible talent.
What 1st drew you to music?
My mom was an opera singer and my entire family sang.
Do you have a musical background?
In our high school band. I used to play the trumpet and flute.
Do you have a preferred or chosen genre?
I like all genres of music
Do you write your own music, or do you collaborate?
I write my own music
What is your creative process like?
At times songs just come to me but most of the time I can write songs on the spot and I just go with the flow. Example; if someone gave me a title I can make up a song on the spot.
“Strong Women” will be released October 16th? Why this song? Why now?
Because what I’ve endured as a woman and a survivor of Domestic Violence. Since COVID-19 the rise of domestic violence has increased. I was asleep and God woke me up out of my sleep and gave me this song and I started writing words.
Why Now? Because so many are going through so much pain during COVID-19 and feel like they have no place to go. Domestic violence has gotten worse among women and children because of this pandemic.
Were there any challenging aspects to writing and recording this song?
Yes! The recording and putting the right music to Strong Women was a big challenge. The music I had first I just wasn’t feeling it. I then called producer Lucky Pittbull from Zimbabwe who I’ve done some work with when I was in Johannesburg South Africa. He sent me some beats and the second beat I listened to, I knew that was the beat I wanted for Strong Women. The hardest part was recording the song in my bathroom. I had to use 2 iPhones and send it back to Zimbabwe until we got it right. It took months because my record label and a producer Rose Green told me the song was missing this and that. So she told me what to add and that once we made the necessary changes it came to life and that’s when Strong Women was born..
Has your musical journey had a deliberate direction, or did it simply evolve in whatever direction it found?
It just evolved in the direction of me recording Strong Women. 🙂 I was not looking for this, it found me.

Can we expect more music to come?
Yes, I’m working on another release. It’s almost completed.
Would you like to travel to other countries to perform your music? If so, what would be your first stop?
Most definitely! Africa and any other countries that would invite me to perform. 🙂
Other than fame & fortune, is there something you hope to achieve through music?
I’m not looking for fame & fortune, I just want my music to touch at least one person and change their life. If I can do that, then I know for a fact I’ve achieved what I set out to do.
Tell about a magical moment or positive experience that has happened during your career.
Making the Olympic Team. Words just can’t describe the feeling that came over me in that moment
What music do you listen to for fun?
I wouldn’t say for fun but Prince and a lot of rap
Who inspires you musically?
Prince, Michael Jackson, Al Green, Bobby Womack, Pattie LaBelle, Gladys Knight, Whitney Houston, Chaka Khan, Anita Baker, Sade and Nina Simone. The list goes on and on.
If one artist were to perform at your party, who would get the call?
What advice would you have for someone wanting to follow in your footsteps?
Work hard, follow your dreams, let nothing stand in your way, never ever settle, take nothing for granted, be true to yourself, love yourself, respect yourself, treat people the way you want to be treated, don’t let society define who you are, keep your circle small, stay humble and always give God the praise. Because it’s him who makes these things possible.
How do you feel the Internet has impacted sharing your music?
The internet has really impacted my music because it’s a way of sharing from one country to the next. If we didn’t have the internet no one would hear my music.
What is your favorite/best outlet to connect with your followers Instagram, Spotify, FB, Twitter, iTunes?
Instagram, FaceBook, Twitter, Linkedin and Spotify. How would you want them to follow? @sbark1984
If you can have fans remember one thing about you, what would it be?
I’m a fair person, I’m kind, I’m a giver and I keep it 100% real .
What does the future hold for you?
Olympian Justin Gatlin and I run a program in Cape Town South Africa where we teach and train disadvantaged athletes as well help children in rural communities. By giving back our time through our program called Born 2 Be Elite. . I will continue my mission of helping Children. Because children are our future. I will also continue working at USA Track and Field as the Senior Manager of Alumni Relations.
Did I forget to ask something? Something you would like to say, that I did not address.
If the world could find peace and love in their heart the world would be so much better. It is easier to love than hate.
October 16th, 2020 “Strong Women” save the date! We will keep you posted!